Nearby Places of Ghaziabad to Explore

Ghaziabad is located in the Delhi NCR region. There are so many cities that are easy to access from Ghaziabad like Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and Haryana. You can explore many nearby places of Ghaziabad.

1) Hastinapur
It is located in Uttar Pradesh. It is believed to be the birthplace of Kauravs and Pandavas from Mahabharat. You can visit Pandeshwar Temple, Jain Temples, Hastinapur Wildlife sanctuary

2) Narnaul
This place is famous for its rich architecture, and ancient buildings located about 100km away from Ghaziabad. You can visit Jal Mahal, Chor Gumbad, Raja Durga Das Fort.

3) Sardhana
Sardhana is a perfect mix of History, Culture and Spirituality. Sardhana is located near Hastinapur. It is famous for an ancient Mahadev temple that is believed to be present from the time of Mahabharat. You can explore the Basilica of Our Lady of Graces and local markets.

These places near Ghaziabad are the perfect choice for a one-day trip, These places have a sense of spirituality, nature, adventure, and heritage. You can opt for a Tempo Traveller on Rent in Ghaziabad as there is so much to explore in the nearby cities of Ghaziabad.

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